Astrology Online Lesson On Pluto

Here is a good astrology online lesson, for you, about how Pluto works, from my recent experience on facebook.

A woman, whom I had befriended, on facebook, was somebody interested in astrology (starry law), but I did not know her.  She posted a question, about her beginnin progressed trine of Sun to Pluto, by secondary progression.

Sun is lo’ward, of her 12th house, so it is a malefic.  Consider also the progressed house, and you might get a mixed influence.  In this case, Sun is lo’ward, of progressed 11th house, which is neutral, sot the net effect is negatory.

Pluto is exalted in the sign, of the Fishes.  Sakoian and Acker have published, that it is exalted in Leo, but it is not.  It is exalted in Pisces.

The online woman’s radical (root’s) (in this case the birth’s chart is the root) Pluto was in Virgo, while conjoinin the horoscope, the risin degree.  Bein in its fall, which means the sign opposite to the sign of exaltation, her Pluto works wronly.

Pluto gives urges to do somethin urgently, and also to get rid of somethin.  But in its fall, it gives the wron urges, and the urge to get rid of somethin, that should not be gotten rid of.

The execption will be a Pluto, that is in mutual reception.  That saves Pluto from error.  Asteroids in mutual reception, with a planet, save the planet only in the area that the asteroid rules, whereas planets in mutual reception save each other totally.

I began by tellin, to her, that the trine upcomin, which is just now beginnin, will not be comfortable, but she can make it to be comfortable, with certain remedies.

You see, the teachin, that trines are good, and squares are bad, is not true.  A trine from the lo’ward of the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, is hurtful and uncomfortable, unles the planet be in its essential dignity, or also lo’ward of the 5th or 9th house at the same time.

If it is lo’ward of the 5th or 9th house, then it is still hurtful, if it is in its fall.

In her radical chart, the asteroid Hygeia was in Scorpio.  There is a good chance that Hygeia might rule Virgo.  If it does, then Pluto and Hygeia are in mutual reception, and she can remedy her experience durin the next year, by doin the deeds, such as are ruled by Hygeia, whatever those might be.

I advised her to find out any research on Hygeia, and see if it rules Virgo, and, if so, what she can do, what doins Hygeia rules.

I gave, to her also the advice, that sadhana is a universal remedy, for all bad aspects, and, even more so, to listen to the videos of Prem Rawat, IF you feel comfortably listenin to them.

The lady unfriended me, and deleted my advices from her comments.

What does this teach, to us, about Pluto?  Her fallen Pluto had the urge to get rid of me, for what reason I don’t know?  Possibly because the false starry law books gave, to her the impression, that she should expect a trine to be a good aspect?  Whereas I brought, to her, the news, that she might have to work to make it good.

What we learn is an example of a fallen Pluto havin an inappropriate, or unrealistic desire to be rid of somethin, namely of me and of my advice.

There are remedies for a fallen planet, or for any negative astrological configuration, so do not accept any negative interpretation, that you ever read.

“Look, there will come a time, when there will be a Perfect Master in your time, and it is up to you to determine whether, or not, you follow.”

Be sure to comment about this lore, in the “comments”.  Thank you so much for your comment!